Chicken Coop Door Openers
Protecting your chickens is easy with

ChickSafe hen house door openers automatically open your coop door in the morning and close it at night allowing you to go out for the evening or to have a lie-in. These "all-in-one" automatic chicken coop door openers are easy to set up and require no calibration.
With just one moving part and no mechanical switches they are designed for long life and weather resistance making them the tough, convenient and low cost solution to keeping your hens safe from predators so you can relax in the knowledge that your hens will be safely looked after.


ChickSafe Advance Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener

ChickSafe Advance Automatic Chicken Coop Opener and Door Kit

ChickSafe Eco Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener

ChickSafe Eco Automatic Chicken Coop Opener and Door Kit

ChickSafe Space-saving Chicken Coop Door Kit

Chick Fresh Odor Control Spray 24 fl oz

Chick Fresh Odor Control Concentrate 4 fl oz
No more early mornings or worries about being too late to shut your birds in at night. The ChickSafe Automatic Poultry Door Openers help to take some of the strain out of keeping chickens and mean your flock is safely protected from predators overnight.
Easy to fit and self-calibrating
Both ChickSafe Eco and Advance models are easily fixed to any chicken coop. The all-in-one design makes setting up a breeze - no messy wiring or limit switches to attach to your coop. Simply secure the control box to the front of your coop with the 2 screws provided, tie the lifting cord to your existing door and you’re away. No manual calibration is necessary; the ChickSafe goes through an automatic procedure to detect the position and the height of your hen house door.
Adjustable light sensor
The ChickSafe is triggered to open or close your coop door based on rising or falling light levels. As the sun comes up the increasing light levels trigger the ChickSafe to open the pophole door and the falling light levels at dusk which stimulate the chickens to go to bed trigger the opener to close it. For your convenience the sensitivity of the falling light level is adjustable so you can ensure that the door will only close when the slowest hen has safely gone to bed.
Because the ChickSafe work by detecting light levels and look for slow changes in light they aren't affected by car headlights at night.
Ultimate reliability
Chicken keepers need complete confidence in any coop opener so Brinsea’s ChickSafe Eco and Advance feature a unique mechanism with only one moving part and no mechanical switches for ultimate reliability.
Every part is designed to work reliably in extreme conditions and can lower and raise a door weighing up to 8 Lbs. Weatherproof and made from UV resistant materials ChickSafe are built to last and come with Brinsea’s free 3-year warranty.
For added peace of mind both ChickSafe models also come with an “Auto-stop” feature if a chicken is obstructing the door.
Door Closed Indicator
As an added feature all our Automatic Poultry Door Openers include a visual indication of the door status. This can be especially useful in the evenings when you just want to check to make sure that your brood is safely locked away at night. Visible from about 100 yards away, a small LED indicates that the door is open or closed, if the door is jammed or if the batteries need replacing.
Uses only 4 X AA batteries
Designed with ultra low battery consumption and long life in mind, you won’t need to change the batteries for a least a year under normal use, and by only using 4xAA batteries, it won’t cost the earth! We recommend using high quality Alkaline batteries changing them once a year, but just in case you forget, a Low Battery warning light is illuminated when it’s time to change them.
ChickSafe Advance model additional features
In addition to all the above features, the ChickSafe Advance has fully digital menu driven controls with an integrated programmable real-time clock timer and full manual door control.
The integrated timer allows you to open or close the door at a time of your choosing giving you the flexibility to set exactly how and when you want the door to be activated. For instance, you could have the door automatically close in the evenings as the light levels fall at dusk but have the door open at your preset time in the mornings!
Full manual door control - One of the most overlooked features of Automatic Chicken Coop Door Openers is the ability to easily Open or Close the door whenever you need to. By a simple press of a button you can at any time either open or close the door or hold it in its current position until the override is switched off - handy if trying to isolate birds in the coop.
The ChickSafe Advance also comes with a unique weekend 'lie-in' feature which allows the user to delay the opening of the door in the morning on 2 days out of 7 to a selected time which can be used to keep the birds contained for longer at weekends.
Visit our Coop Openers FAQs page for answers to the most common questions regarding the operation of our ChickSafe openers.