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Classroom Incubators and Brooders

Whether you are interested in hatching a few eggs in the classroom or wishing to teach your students more advanced aspects of incubation and embryology Brinsea® has the right package for you.


12 Products On Page

Product Category
Humidity Control
Egg Turning
Egg Capacity

Taking the guesswork out of incubation

Ovation 28 Classroom Pack Mini Advance Classroom Pack
The Ovation 28 Advance
Classroom Pack contains:
The Mini II Advance or Maxi II Advance
Classroom Packs contain:
  • * ‘The Egg Story’ Lesson Plan Manual on

    * Ovation 28 Advance incubator with fully automatic egg turning (capacity approx. 28 hen eggs)

    * Preset temperature. Easy to use menu driven controls

    * Digital temperature and humidity display

    * Cordless OvaScope egg scope to watch the live embryo develop inside the egg

    * Ecoglow chick brooder

    * Plastic chick enclosure

    * Feeder

    * Drinker

    * Full operating & troubleshooting instructions


    Plus FREE...

    * List of fertile eggs suppliers

    * 3 year warranty

  • * ‘The Egg Story’ Lesson Plan Manual on

    * Advance incubator with fully automatic egg turning and autostop feature - 2 sizes available
    Mini II Advance - capacity 7 hen eggs or 12 smaller eggs with optional small egg disk
    Maxi II Advance - capacity 14 hen eggs or 40 smaller eggs with optional small disk 

    * Preset temperature. Easy to use menu driven controls

    * Digital temperature and count down to hatch day

    * Cordless OvaScope egg scope to watch the live embryo develop inside the egg

    * EcoGlow chick brooder

    * Plastic chick enclosure

    * Feeder

    * Drinker

    * Full operating & troubleshooting instructions


    Plus FREE...

    * List of fertile eggs suppliers

    * 3 year warranty


The 'Egg Story' Lesson Plan

A 50-page color manual has been designed to simplify the educator’s task. Crammed with fun hands-on activities and color photographs of developing embryos it is great for creating students interest and a comprehensive source of information for the teacher.

The perfect companion of a hands-on experience of incubation “The Egg Story” manual shows how an egg is formed, what its different parts and functions are and how a chick embryo develops and hatches. It also gives an insight into particular biological topics such as blood circulation, respiration and how bones are different in birds.

Students will develop observation and record keeping skills, make and use measurements. They will acquire biological vocabulary and an understanding of physical development, structure and function of the body. Further useful resources have been included at the end of the manual to consolidate the embryology project but also enhance programs in nutrition and mathematics for instance.

Particularly suited to middle school science projects, the lesson plans are flexible and can easily be tailored to younger students needs.
